K and i had been out shopping on a very hot, wednesday afternoon.
the trip had gone well thus far, and i was particularly pleased to notice, as i made my way back to the car, that the nearby frozen yogurt shop was offering "99 cent waffle cone wednesday".
i assessed the situation. K, while napless, was relatively calm and i calculated that we had just enough time to down some frozen yumminess before E would need to be picked up from school.
we entered the cool, air conditioned shop and i noticed that the line was long. no worries. K was busy studying the frozen yogurt cakes in the display case, happily distracted.
as i approached the counter to place my order K rejoined me and stood quietly at my side.
what a good boy, i thought.
he's getting so big! so grown up! and i enjoyed a little warm moment in my heart as i considered this fact.
i was still congratulating myself as i fished for change in the bottom of my purse, and as K continued to follow me quietly to the cash register.
i don't know what it was, actually, that made me stop and glance down at my son before heading to our table. maybe i heard a little giggle. or maybe i just thought
waaaait a second, he's been quiet for a really long time...but when i did...
there was my three year old pride and joy, standing with the biggest grin on his face...
hands on his hips...
with his shorts pulled down around his knees and his penis poking out of the top of his underwear.